26 Dec 2012

Audiovisual Negotiating Tips For Meeting Success

1. Focus on your strategic goals instead of the equipment you think you need.

Concentrate on what you what to happen with AV. Share your budget parameters and let your AV partner propose solutions that give you the most for your money. Ask for an estimate that includes good, better and best options that meet your meeting goals.

2. Schedule speakers with the same or similar AV needs in the same room.

This cuts down on setting up and tearing down equipment as well as labor costs.

3. Consider show rates instead of per day rates.

Sometimes you can get better rates in the summer months as the demand is lower. When you utilize the same equipment in a meeting room on multiple days, discounts should follow.

4. Secure your AV vendor for multiple events and years.

Frequently, if you contract your AV vendor for multiple events and/or years, they will give you a significant discount from their prices. I used to secure my AV vendor for three years with a 30% discount on equipment rental fees. My agreements always gave me an option to cancel.

5. Negotiate tear down discounts.

Set up takes two to three times longer than strike labor. The AV team needs to test, adjust and retest equipment.

6. Remove any exclusivity clause in your venue contract.

If you bring in your own AV provider, an in-house preferred supplier may want five percent for lost opportunity because you didn’t use them.

7. Request a schedule of power and rigging fees.

These are negotiable and often overlooked.

8. For audiences of 3,000 or less, don’t fly the projector.

Keep the projector on the floor for smaller audiences and consider rear projection. It’s more expensive to fly the equipment on lifts from the ceiling.

9. Secure a guarantee on final bill price.

Ask for a guarantee that the final bill will not exceed the estimate by more than 10 percent without authorized changes.

10. Seek a win-win.

Don’t be afraid to ask for something free or greatly discounted if the AV company is making additional money from exhibit orders. Some AV companies will offer you a rebate on exhibitor orders.

11. Get a grip.

Don’t expect cutting-edge technology for overhead projector prices.
What AV negotiation tips would you add to this list? What are some cool AV technologies that you’ve used recently?

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